The Gravett's began raising Texas Longhorns at G&G Longhorns in 1988 as a natural extension of their interest in agriculture. The ranch has evolved into one of the leading programs in the breed. For many years, the Gravett's hosted a sale in Culpeper,VA know as the Gravett-Babington Sale to offer their cattle and also provide a place for their customers to market through consignment. The Gravett's are the founders of the successful Millenium Futurity. They also host the annual Cherry Bloosom Sale as well as beginning the Annual Fall Roundup beginning in 2010. Ben is also the creator of the super successful Horn Enterprise. A partnership and syndication of some of the greatest bulls in the breed including Sittin Bull. Always willing to serve, Ben has been active on serveral boards at the national level, along with being a major supporter of the breed through contributions and donations including those to the 2008, 2009, and 2010 Longhorn World Championship. The Gravetts are lifetime members in the TLMA, ITLA, and TLBAA along with being a founding memeber of the Texas Longhorn Marketing Alliance. Ben has been the only man to serve as the President of the ITLA and Chairman of the TLBAA and TLMA
Sadly, April 23rd 2014 Ben passed away in his home surrounded by his friends and family. His legacy continues with G&G as Ann has taken the wheel and continued to grow what Ben had started. She's took his spot on the TLMA's board, now the TLCA. In August 2016 the G&G operation moved from Catlett, VA where it was based for over 20 years to the lovely town of Rochelle, VA just south of the town of Madison in Madison County, VA. The G&G Ranch is continuing to grow. |